New affordable 5-minute commuting opportunity between JFK and Manhatten
April 03, 2019
BLADE Urban Air Mobility has launched continuous helicopter flights between Manhattan and John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) every weekday from 7am to 7pm. The shared flight service is the largest Urban Air Mobility (“UAM”) initiative in the United States to date and advances BLADE’s mission of continuing to reduce the cost of urban aviation.
Flights operate between BLADE Lounge West at the West 30th Street Heliport and JFK airport, with ground transportation included between the JFK helipad and all commercial terminals. The $195 price is aligned with the approximate cost of an SUV service doing the same route during rush hour.
This initiative turns a 90+ minute drive into a 5-minute, weekday helicopter flight!

BLADE Lounge West is located only 1,000 feet from Hudson Yards, the largest commercial and residential “city within a city” in the United States, soon to be home to over 50,000 employees from leading companies such as WarnerMedia, HBO, CNN, Blackrock, KKR, and many more. BLADE has a relationship with Hudson Yards that offers exclusive benefits to all tenants.On-site at JFK, BLADE will have a presence in the lobby of the soon to be opened, re-imagined, circa 1962 TWA Hotel. Hotel guests can immediately arrange for BLADE flights to Manhattan or to any destination BLADE flies.
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